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Mad Cyril
Mad Cyril
Posts : 153
Join date : 2012-11-09

Northwich Vics Empty Northwich Vics

2/10/2015, 11:39
As some of you will know, it's always a bit of tricky one for me when we play Vics as I'm a Northwich lad.

My first ever visit to Giant Axe was in support of Vics in the FA Trophy many moons ago. Vics won 3-0, but I had a good time and kept coming back. The rest is history Laughing

Anyway Saturday's match is like returning to where my Dolly Blue life started - totes emoshe an' all that.

Anyhoo, to avoid a divided loyalty situation (although I'm 90% Dolly now-a-days) I'm going to see Hawkwind in Manchester instead - don't judge me! Embarassed
Posts : 15
Join date : 2015-09-28

Northwich Vics Empty Re: Northwich Vics

2/10/2015, 12:26
Very tough game but they showed you can out-work them when they got beat at Clitheroe. Maybe they'll have all eggs in the league basket and we'll catch them off guard
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